Digital Preservation Seeds

logo seeds blog
by Barbara Sierman

iPRES2022 and “The Book”

During iPRES2022 in Glasgow, I presented my plan to write a book about 30 years of digital preservation in the poster session....  
During iPRES2022 in Glasgow, I presented my plan...  

Let thistles (oops… digits) flourish

Hated by farmers but loved by the Scots. Thistles are the national emblem of Scotland, the home of iPRES2022 in September of this year in Glasgow. At billboards, pubs, banknotes and coins, the thistle will be everywhere in...  
Hated by farmers but loved by the Scots. Thistles...  

DP Reading Club

Is digital preservation a profession? And if so, what characterizes it as a profession? If you look at a skilled carpenter, the professionalism is defined by the skills of the carpenter, the tools that are used, the...  
Is digital preservation a profession? And if so,...  

Angela Dappert 1961-2021

In loving...  
In loving...  

Re-use, the ultimate test

This blogpost was given as a lightning talk at iDCC 2021 and was prepared by Ingrid Dillo (DANS) and me. We want to draw your attention to an overlooked element in the open research data and the preservation infrastructure:...  
This blogpost was given as a lightning talk at...  

UNESCO & preservation

Recently UNESCO’s Memory of the World program organized an interesting webinar called “Documentary Heritage at Risk: Policy Gaps in Digital Preservation”. As preservationists we can use every support to spread the word...  
Recently UNESCO’s Memory of the World program...  

Preservation pleasures on YouTube

I was worried that the DP community would not be updated on the latest developments due to the postponement of iPRES2020 and PASIG. But last week’s online conference #wemissiPRES was an excellent opportunity to hear all...  
I was worried that the DP community would not be...  

Digital Damage: Open Access Journals

“Open is not forever”, with this title Mikael Laakso, Lisa Matthias and Najko Jahn report about their investigation in disappearing open access journals from the public domain. Open access journals differ from their paid...  
“Open is not forever”, with this title Mikael...  

Risks of the Cloud

Computer forensic scientists have some similarities with digital preservationists in that they need to know a lot about the digital information they study, before they can draw conclusions. Digital preserv ation has adopted...  
Computer forensic scientists have some...  

De Big Picture of het Grote Plaatje

Digitale duurzaamheid omvat een veelheid aan aspecten en het is voor een instelling niet eenvoudig keuzes te maken. Een valkuil bij het maken van keuzes is dat een instelling de kostenfactor doorslaggevend laat zijn. Maar...  
Digitale duurzaamheid omvat een veelheid aan...  

No conferences, no progress?

Now that several digital preservation related conferences have been cancelled or postponed to later this year of even to next year, we are faced with a problem. It is not the problem of the missed conference dinner, or the...  
Now that several digital preservation related...  


Just published: our article on TRUST in the Springer journal Scientific Data  
Just published: our article on TRUST in the...  
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© 2025 Barbara Sierman
