Digital Preservation Seeds

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by Barbara Sierman

RDM and DP: Collaborating or Co-existing?

ResearchData Management (RDM)  and DigitalPreservation (DP) communities: “do they really collaborate or are they onlyco-existing”? With this introduction, an interesting article starts,written by Michelle Lindlar,...  
ResearchData Management (RDM)  and...  

Why reinvent the wheel for FAIR?

A message to FAIR-istsThe current discussions around FAIR (stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) datasets are raising a lot of confusion. It occurs to me, that the current discussions about FAIR in...  
A message to FAIR-istsThe current discussions...  

Volgende Fase in de review OAIS

De tweede versie van de ISO OAIS standard kwam in 2012 uit enzou, volgens het reguliere ISO proces, in 2017 een review moeten ondergaan. Depreservation community is hier op verschillende manieren van op de hoogte gesteld.Al...  
De tweede versie van de ISO OAIS standard kwam in...  

Next Phase OAIS Review

In 2017 is wastime for the regular ISO 5-year review of the OAIS standard. The preservationcommunity has been warned for this via several channels. We started adiscussion platform, the OAISCommunity, on the Digital...  
In 2017 is wastime for the regular ISO 5-year...  

Do FAIR data ever become heritage?

Since 2014 when they were first launched, the FAIR data principles are getting more and more attention in the research and open science community. Developed in reaction to the incidents with fraudulent research data, by...  
Since 2014 when they were first launched, the...  

Is it useful to know who is using which preservation system?

My organization is, as are many others,  looking for a replacement of the current digital preservation system. So I’m curious what is on the market and what other national libraries are using. Websites of commercial...  
My organization is, as are many others,  looking...  

OAIS and the KB Web Collection history

The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) values the (future) user of the digital archive very much. This “Designated Community” of the archive need to be served by extra information about the archived material in...  
The Open Archival Information System (OAIS)...  

The Dutch extension to the 4C Cost Model for Digital Preservation

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="205"] The Beggar (Rijksmuseum)[/caption]Based on the 4C Cost Model for Digital Preservation, a dedicated working group in the Network Digital Heritage created and validated an...  
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="205"] The...  

A broken bridge between archivists and IT?

How do you build a bridge between thorough domain knowledge of a digital archivist and the sophisticated technical skills of an Information Technology expert, in order to achieve mutual goals and develop a “culture of...  
How do you build a bridge between thorough domain...  

Preservation Watch: suggested change in OAIS review

As a late Christmas present I submitted a change for the OAIS review  by suggesting to introduce the term Preservation Watch into the standard as part of the Preservation Planning module.During the European project...  
As a late Christmas present I submitted a change...  

OAIS: a cage or a guide?

Last week I gave a presentation at the Pericles conference Acting on Change: New Approaches and Future Practices in LTDP in London. This is what I told during the panel about OAIS.OAIS as a cage?Is the OAIS standard a cage,...  
Last week I gave a presentation at the Pericles...  

Experts bediscussiëren OAIS

Veertien Nederlandse en Vlaamse experts bespraken op uitnodiging van de NCDD hun dilemma’s bij de vertaling naar de praktijk van dé standaard in digitale duurzaamheid: OAIS (ISO 14721). Ze deelden een breed scala aan...  
Veertien Nederlandse en Vlaamse experts bespraken...  
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© 2025 Barbara Sierman
