Digital Preservation Seeds

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by Barbara Sierman

Where are you, digital preservationist?

Once upon a time, there was a lively digital preservation community, sharing knowledge and expertise via social media and by personal meetings. Then there came a pandemic. No drinks together, no conferences, no...  
Once upon a time, there was a lively digital...  

DP Reading Club

Is digital preservation a profession? And if so, what characterizes it as a profession? If you look at a skilled carpenter, the professionalism is defined by the skills of the carpenter, the tools that are used, the...  
Is digital preservation a profession? And if so,...  

Re-use, the ultimate test

This blogpost was given as a lightning talk at iDCC 2021 and was prepared by Ingrid Dillo (DANS) and me. We want to draw your attention to an overlooked element in the open research data and the preservation infrastructure:...  
This blogpost was given as a lightning talk at...  


Just published: our article on TRUST in the Springer journal Scientific Data  
Just published: our article on TRUST in the...  

WARC, the best web archiving format?

Recently Google Scholar pointed me to an interesting pre-print about webarchiving. The authors Xinyue Wand and Zhiwu Xie raised the question whether we as web archiving community are using the “right” format when using...  
Recently Google Scholar pointed me to an...  

RDM and DP: Collaborating or Co-existing?

ResearchData Management (RDM)  and DigitalPreservation (DP) communities: “do they really collaborate or are they onlyco-existing”? With this introduction, an interesting article starts,written by Michelle Lindlar,...  
ResearchData Management (RDM)  and...  

Seminar Hergebruik / Re-use

Seminar Hergebruik / Re-use 5-2-2020 KB The HagueAt the occasion of my farewell party at the KB National Library of the Netherlands, I organized a small seminar with the theme Hergebruik / Re-use. I invited four friends and...  
Seminar Hergebruik / Re-use 5-2-2020 KB The...  


Last week I had my farewell party at the KB with a small seminar. More about this seminar in a separate...  
Last week I had my farewell party at the KB with...  

Self-assesment tools in DP

In the Dutch Digital Heritage Network we are working with a set of tools, usable by all Dutch organizations with a preservation task. One of those tools is the Score Model. The Score model is an easy self assesment tool,...  
In the Dutch Digital Heritage Network we are...  

Why reinvent the wheel for FAIR?

A message to FAIR-istsThe current discussions around FAIR (stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) datasets are raising a lot of confusion. It occurs to me, that the current discussions about FAIR in...  
A message to FAIR-istsThe current discussions...  

Preservation as a present

20 Years of preservation have brought us valuable insights, useful tools and a large quantity of digital material that is now taking care of.For the general public, used to their tablets and phones where everything is stored...  
20 Years of preservation have brought us valuable...  

A new Board for the Core Certification now established

What was called the “basic certification” in the pyramid of standards for certifying your digital repository, will now be called “Core Certification”. This is not the only outcome of merging the Data Seal of Approval...  
What was called the “basic certification” in...  
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© 2025 Barbara Sierman
