Dasish Workshop on Audit and Certification

Last week I (partially) attended the Dasish Workshop on Audit and Certification in The Hague to give a presentation about the history and current status of the ISO 16363 standard Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories and the ISO 16919 (still not approved) which regulates the accreditation of auditors. I published my slides with some references to literature.

Apart from the usual, I also added one slide about “risks”. The growing focus on audit and certification is encouraging and shows that we all want to meet high standards. But we should also realize that digital preservation is an evolving field. Althought we agree on a set of starting points, the day to day practice shows often the gap between theory and practice. Auditors, funding bodies and organisations should realise that. Also the auditing practice will be a growth path.

You can find a summary of the Dasish Workshop in the blogpost of Kirsty Lee (who attended the whole 2 days!) http://libraryblogs.is.ed.ac.uk/bitsandpieces/

© 2025 Barbara Sierman
