Let thistles (oops… digits) flourish

Hated by farmers but loved by the Scots. Thistles are the national emblem of Scotland, the home of iPRES2022 in September of this year in Glasgow. At billboards, pubs, banknotes and coins, the thistle will be everywhere in Glasgow, as will the digital preservationists.  To network, online or face to face and to do like the thistles: to flourish and spread the knowledge via seeds over long distances.

In the past two years everyone had limited possibilities to meet new people. Networking was a bit artificial via Zoom or Teams. But we still are aware of each other and many of us took the opportunity to make progress in various areas of digital preservation. It is high time to remove the cobwebs in the network and share your ideas and achievements with your colleagues new and old in the preservation community!

The 2022 theme of iPRES is Data For All, For Good, Forever: Let Digits Flourish. All information can be found on https://ipres2022.scot/. The conference will be a hybrid one, so no need to hesitate whether you will be able to travel: an internet connection is enough!

You still have 3 weeks to write a paper, create a proposal for a panel, poster, tutorial, hack-a-thon, workshop or bake-off. The deadline is 8 March 2022. And unlike to what we are used to, the organisation stated that they will not postpone this deadline.

They also want to make this “the best iPRES yet”, but well, they will have a tough job in competing iPRES2019 in Amsterdam! You can help them achieving this.

© 2025 Barbara Sierman
